I am a Software Developer with a finished apprenticeship. Currently I am studying Computer Science at the University of Passau to further increase my skillset and get a deeper understanding of the whole field.
My fields of work include Web Development in the Front- and Backend, Application Development for Apple Platforms and others.


These are the languages I mainly use. This is not a comprehensive list and new ones always join the mix!





Find me here


Contact me if you need an IT project done. I can help you set something up or create custom solutions if necessary.


code, html, digital


The website you are on right now

That's right, check out the source code of this website. It is build with Bootstrap Studio for the frontend design and Django in the backend.

It was built to test out the HTML to Django project you can also find on this page.

code, html, digital


State of video hearings in German courts

Court hearings in Germany can be conducted via video by now. But how many courts actually allow this? And does it even work?

Videoverhandlung.de aims to find answers these questions. On this webpage regular people can post their experiences with the German courts.

code, html, digital

HTML to Django

Helper for static HTML creation tools

I recently discovered the beauty of HTML design tools. But a big problem I ran into was the "staticness" of the web pages they generate. I often work with backends that dynamically create the served HTML via templates, namely Django. But the design tools don't support stuff like loops, ifs or variables in general.

This project solves that problem by allowing you to embed Django template information as attributes in your HTML tags. They will be converted into fully functional Django templates!